Did you know that about 19% of the Canadian population undergoes an average of 1.4-foot problems every year? Children can develop foot conditions when learning to walk and are more active on their feet. Children with foot problems are more prone to tripping and falling, contributing to injuries. They might also withdraw from activities they usually enjoy because of the pain. Visiting a foot specialist at least once each year will prevent common foot conditions from developing or worsening. Our blog highlights some of the most common pediatric foot conditions and the signs to look out for.
Toe Walking Toe walking is a common condition that affects many babies and toddlers when learning to walk. You might notice signs of your child walking on the balls of their feet with no contact between the heels and the ground. Usually, children grow out of this habit by three years old; however, the condition may persist in some older children. When toe walking persists into later childhood, it can signify an underlying medical condition such as autism, cerebral palsy, or muscle weakness disorders. An examination from the foot specialist can help determine the cause and suggest corrective treatment for your child. In-Toeing In-toeing is also referred to as pigeon toes. A sign your child is suffering from in-toeing is when they walk with their feet turned inwards. This is due to a twist in their shinbones, thighbones, or curved feet. It can cause your kid to trip more often than usual. In-toeing gets better over time without treatment, but it can take a while. If it gets worse, visit the foot specialist. Flat Feet Flat feet can cause an aching pain on the bottom of the foot. If your kid starts to experience any discomfort, a visit to a foot specialist can help determine a solution to alleviate the pain. Stretching and purchasing shoe inserts could help reduce foot pain. Bow Legs It’s common for babies and toddlers to have bow legs. Signs of bowing are when the legs curve outwards at the knees, and the ankles touch the feet and walk in an awkward pattern. The issue usually correctly itself by three to four years old. You should seek medical attention when the condition persists or fails to correct itself by seven to eight years old. Treatment Options for Children's Foot Conditions If you’re concerned about your child's feet and how they walk, contact the foot specialist at Complete Foot Care & Orthotic Centre. They will be able to recommend solutions to alleviate the discomfort from your child’s feet.