We can all agree that nail care helps improve your nail health and increase blood circulation. Your nails may help tell the signs of illnesses or conditions such as diabetes, anemia, and kidney disease.
Failing to take care of your toenails may put you at risk of bacterial and fungal infections. To be precise, toenail fungus affects one in five Canadians and is one of the leading nail infections.
Misinformation on toenail fungus makes more people downplay its potential effects. In this guide, we’ll equip you with facts about and treatments for toenail fungus:
1. Some People are More Prone to Toenail Fungus
You’ll be at a higher risk of getting toenail fungus if you suffer from diabetes, blood circulatory disorders, and a poor immune system. Conditions such as deformed/diseased nails, hyperhidrosis, and psoriasis can make you susceptible to the fungus. You may get the fungus if you work in damp areas, wear closed footwear all the time, or regularly use public showers and pools.
Since old age is usually linked to poor immunity, your risks for contracting the fungus may increase as you get older. Having accident-prone toes may also make you susceptible to the fungus if you fail to maintain proper hygiene.
2. It’s Easy to Spot the Symptoms
The first fungus symptom usually presents itself as a yellow or white spot under your nail tips. Later on, your toenails will loosen, thicken, become brittle, change in shape or develop white/yellow streaks. If the issue is spotted early, it will respond better to treatments.
The symptoms of toenail fungus worsen when you trim your nails improperly or wear uncomfortable shoes. They are less frequently associated with pain and discomfort.
3. The Fungus Infection Is Highly Contagious
Toenail fungus can easily spread from your nails and from person to person through direct contact. You can also catch it if you frequently walk barefoot in public spaces or share socks. Your susceptibility to the infection may increase if you live in a shared room.
Failing to seek treatments for toenail infections may make it spread easily and faster. Using manicure tools without disinfecting them may also put you at risk of infection.
4. Toenail Fungus Is Preventable
Since the fungus greatly thrives in moist and dark environments, it is easier to contain it. You can limit your feet' exposure to damp conditions or change socks regularly as a preventive measure.
Keeping your toenails dry and clean reduces your susceptibility to the fungus. Other preventive measures include not sharing footwear, nail washing, and nail clipping.
5. Treatment May Take Time
Though there are several treatments for toenail fungus, they all take time to be effective. Remedies such as laser treatment, topical drugs, and oral drugs carry different benefits and risks.
Always discuss with your Foot Specialist ways on how to treat toenail fungus for optimal recovery. The fungus will completely heal once new, healthy toenails grow on your feet.
Looking for Treatments for Toenail Fungus
With the knowledge provided above, you now understand how toenail fungus can enter your body, the treatment options for toenail fungus, and how they can help you recover from the infection.
At Complete Foot Care and Orthotic Center, we diagnose and treat several foot conditions. Our foot specialists use personalized technology and equipment to help patients lead active lives. Call our office to book a consultation.